Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Almost 19 months and Counting.......

My babes are almost 19 months and I am in love with them lol Its crazy how I wouldn't lock my hair before my natural journey, well my life is one big change. I washed them the other day and added alittle TLC and made a Herbal Tea Rinse with apple cider, peppermint tea, peppermint oil, henna, sweet orange oil. The picture is the after effect the tlc time n I said it was worth it.......

Southern Tortellini Minestrone - Recipes | American Family

Southern Tortellini Minestrone - Recipes | American Family

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pruning Dreadlocks

Before Pruning 
I haven't pruned in along time.....too embarrassed to post a before picture of my locs before pruning them. As a Locitian, I stress to my customers to Prune or Trim their locs because the extra loose or wild straight hairs will not mend into the dreadlocks. Having this loose hair hanging around will only create problems in the locs like spaces that are not locking which can cause thinning and breaking. So once a month or two prune your locs so therefore you can have beautiful, thick, manicured dreadlocks. Pruning Services should be in the price rage 15.00 to 20.00, checkout your local Locitian.
After Pruning